Letter from the Director
Investing in what matters most
I am honored to serve as the 4th Director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development (HSAD), the longest study of human life ever done. It is a one-of-a-kind resource for scientific knowledge about what promotes human thriving.
By studying hundreds of people throughout their entire lives, we have identified the specific attributes, behaviors, and practices that differentiate the people who led the happiest and healthiest lives.
Although the research has been some eighty years in the making, Lifespan Research Foundation’s work seems to have been meant for this moment in time. Many people are languishing in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, feeling disconnected and searching for greater fulfillment. We are looking for insights on how to stay healthy and happy.
With this in mind, I created the Lifespan Research Foundation with a dual purpose: (1) to disseminate Study findings in user-friendly forms that help people live more productive lives with greater meaning and purpose, (and 2) to assure a stable base of financial support for the Study so that we can continue our groundbreaking longitudinal research.
Learn more about our programs and the Harvard Study of Adult Development by exploring the pages that follow and registering for a course today!
Dr. Robert Waldinger
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